Colorectal Cancer Screening
Are you at risk?
Colorectal cancer is the second leading cancer killer in the United States. While it can occur in people of any age, it more often occurs in people older than 50 and the risk only increases as you get older. Some people, regardless of age, are even at higher risk depending on their personal or family history, The good news is that colorectal cancer is preventable and, if detected early, curable!
Answer the following questions to see if your are at risk for developing colrectal cancer.
1. Are you aged 50 or older?
2. Do you or a family member have a history of colon polyps?
3. Do you or a family member have a history of colon cancer?
4. Do you have a chronic inflammatory bowel disease such as
ulcerative colitis or Crohn's disease?
5. Do you or a family member have a history of ovarian,
endometrial or stomach cancer?
6. Are you of African American or Hispanic descent?
If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, you could be at risk of developing this disease. Schedule an appointment with one of our physicians to discuss getting screened. It is very important you get screened EVEN if you are not currently experiencing any symptoms.
Schedule an appointment today!